初二英语故事演讲稿 初二英语故事演讲稿二分钟带中文

初二英语故事演讲稿 初二英语故事演讲稿二分钟带中文



It is a crime that is getting to be common in Los Angeles. Customers are enjoying their meals at a restaurant. Two or more criminals stroll in and start waving their guns at everyone. They demand that everyone put their wallets or empty their purses into a bag, and then the gunmen stroll out. They usually wear hoodies or baseball caps with sunglasses to thwart identification.

At 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, the business establishment was a Starbucks. Three young men walked in, emptied the cash register, robbed the employees and the customers, and walked out to their stolen SUV. The police were able to respond quickly. A chase ended with one police car ramming the SUV from behind on the Third Street overpass. The SUV came to a stop, but, as usually happens, the three criminals were unhurt. They immediately hopped out of the SUV and started running in three different directions. It took about 10 minutes to catch two of them; one had hidden in a dumpster, and the other had broken a car window and hidden in the car.

The third one, instead of running, had decided it was quicker to jump off the overpass onto the freeway 20 feet below. He landed in an emergency lane, but did not get up and run. He did not get up at all. When police got to him, he was dead. “Too bad he wasn’t holding hands with the other two when he jumped,” said one officer, who asked to remain nameless.


In the past, a man in the State of Qi went off into wild flights of fancy all day long. He was afraid that the sky might collapse, the land might cave in and he would have no place to live. He was so worried that he could neither eat nor sleep.

One man who was worried about him came to enlighten him by saying: "The sky is only an air mass. All men's activities are inside this mass. Why do you worry that the sky would fall?"

The man of Qi asked: "If the sky were really an air mass, then wouldn't the sun, the moon and the stars fall down?"

That man said:"The sun, the moon and the stars are only things that can shine in this mass. Even if they fall down, they would not harm people."

The man of Qi asked again: "Then what can I do when the land sinks?"

The man said: "The land is only piled-up earth. There is earth everywhere. Every day you walk on the land. Why do you worry that it would sink?"

When the man of Qi heard this, his worries vanished at once and he became very glad. The man who enlightened him and cured his melancholia was very pleased too.


Once, Confucius went to the east to advocate his ideas. On the way he met two children arguing hotly with each other. Confucius asked: "Children, what are you arguing about?"

One child said: "I think when the sun rises from the hills, it is nearer to us, and at noon, it isfarther from us."

The other child argued: "I think when the sun rises from the hills, it is farther from us, but at noon it is nearer to us."

One child said: "As is known to all, things far away look smaller and things nearer look bigger. When the sun rises, it is as big as the canopy on a carnage; at noon it is only as big as a plate or a dish. Doesn't this show that when the sun rises, it is nearer to us?"

The other child said: "We all know that things nearby make us feel hot, and things far away make us feel cool. When the sun comes out, the air is clear and clean; at noon it is as hot as putting the hand in hot water. Doesn't this show that the sun is nearer to us at noon?"

The two children went on arguing endlessly. Confucius was unable to judge who was right. The two children laughed at him: "Who said you are learned and erudite?"


Gong Zhiqiao obtained a piece of fine Chinese tung wood and made a qin (stringed musical instrument) out of it. When installed with strings and plucked, it gave out a wonderful sound,harmonious and pleasing to the ear.

Gong Zhiqiao thought this was the finest instrument in the world, so he presented it to the Tai Chang Si Qing (a high official in charge of rites and protocol of the ancestral temple) who had it examined by an imperial musician, but the musician disdained to have a look at it. He only said "Not ancient!" and returned the instrument.

Gong Zhiqiao had to take it home and asked a lacquerer to paint many crackles on the instrument in imitation of an ancient qin, and asked a sculptor to carve on it some inscriptions of ancient scholars. Then he put it in a box and buried it underground.

After one year, Gong Zhiqiao took out the instrument from underground, and went to the market to sell it. It happened that an influential personage was passing by. He bought it with 100 pieces of gold and presented it to the imperial court. The imperial musicians vied with each other to look at it and praised in unison:

"Ah! It is indeed a rare stringed musical instrument in the world!"


A king had three sons whom he loved equally well, and he did not know which of them to appoint as king following his own death.

When the time came for him to die he called them to his bed and said, “Dear children, I have thought of something that I will reveal to you. The one of you is the laziest shall become king after me.”

The oldest one said, “Father, then the kingdom belongs to me, for I am so lazy that whenever I lie down to sleep, and a drop falls into my eyes, I will not even close them so that I can fall asleep.”

The second one said, “Father, the kingdom belongs to me, for I am so lazy that when I am sitting by the fire warming myself, I would rather let my heels burn up than to pull my legs back.”

The third one said, “Father, the kingdom is mine, for I am so lazy that if I were going to be hanged and already had the rope around my neck, and someone put into my hand a sharp knife with which to cut the rope, I would let myself be hanged rather than to lift my hand up to the rope.”

When the father heard this he said, “You have taken it the farthest and shall be king.”

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