英文自我介绍推荐 英文自我介绍推荐理由


Good morning. It&39;s a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is Jennifer Wong, and I am a candidate for the position of Overseas Sales RepresentativeMy background and work experience are tailor-made for this position. I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1995, I received my MBA from the School of Business, University of Texas. For five years, I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Assistant Director of Exports for Magic Kitchen Supplies.

Action Appliances is a forward-looking company. I am aware that you are expanding into new markets, particularly in the U.S. Thus you are going to need aggressive, take-charge sales representatives. At Magic Kitchen, during my five years there, we expanded our U.S. market share by 25%. This is just one example of my ability to go out there and sell products.

A position with your company would be both a learning experience and a great opportunity. I look forward to becoming part of the Action team. Thank you.


Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Li Ming. I was born on April 23, 1981. I am a local person. I am graduating from University this June. I major in Chinese literature. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Peking University which I have desired for a long time. I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent(热情的), outgoing and creative. At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!


Good morning,sir.It is really my great honor to take this interview.Thank you for giving the chance to me.My name is Li Huang,come from Hunan province.I am 24 years old ,I like listening music,singing and running in my free time,especially when I am singing,I feel enjoy and relaxed.I am graduated from Hunan Engineering Polytechic University.My Major is Business English,I just passed CET 4 and CET 6 during university.I came to Shenzhen after graduation, and worked for small company as a Product development specialist for ebay.After that,I changed to work in —— Trade Company and manage one ebay Store by myself for about 3 years.I learned many interpersonal and technical skills from the working experience.So it is the time to seek a bigger and more Challenging Platform,gain more opportunities to show my value and learn more.That is the reason why I choose your company.I think I&39;m a good team player,I am honest,positive and hardworking.So I also sincerely hope your company can choose me.I will try my best and not let you down!


Hi, my name’s Harry, H-a-r-r-y, Harry. It’s such a pleasure for me to introduce myself to you.

I’ll soon graduate from Guangzhou University with a bachelor’s degree in Economics. As a student, my major is International Economics and Trade, I like it a lot, and I’ve got a pretty good academic performance. My English grade ranks NO.2 in the class of 55 students, and my classmates would always like me to give English speeches in class.

For the professional courses I learnt, some impressed me most, like the ones “Marketing” and “International Business Negotiation”, both teachers gave me high compliments in front of class which then encouraged me a lot and I appreciated it by putting more efforts into studying.

Well, for one thing I’m most proud of, is my English performance. I got 100 full marks once in “The University English 4”, and got As in oral tests. Plus that I’m tall and white, many people may say that I’m a foreigner. Well, I was an English DJ in a broadcast station back to high school, and I also worked as an English translator in the Canton Fair once. So here I would like to say that my English ability is fully competent to the position applied.

Besides having a good academic performance, I was actively involved in student activities. First, I was in charge of Class Athletics member of committee. Then I joined the Debate Team, and meanwhile I also joined the New Oriental English Club in our school. For my outgoing personality, I served as Communication Department director in both departments and dedicated my hard work to both teams. During my tenure, I learnt co-working and enjoyed lots of fun there.

Outside the campus I did some practice jobs. I had a two month internship in Shenzhen Glory Trading Cooperation a month ago. I worked as

a sales assistant, I did the inventory check, helped my comates to make the auditing reports, and in spare time I also made phone calls to cell our products. My boss was pleased with my performance and he asked me to recommend my classmates to join our team.

Another internship was in China Unicom Cooperation, Guangzhou Branch. Our job was to promote mobile phone cards to freshmen in South China Normal University. It came out that the activation rate of the released new cards surpassed 90%, and because of that our team was rewarded 1000 yuan by our company.

Lastly, let me tell you a bit of my interests. I recently play table tennis a lot, because I like the feeling that “one strike in a hole”. And I also like swimming, singing karaoke, watching U.S. TV shows and friends gathering. I keep the habit of learning English by reading and practicing, and I enjoy reading foreign books, especially books on Psychology. For example, “The Road Less Travelled”, it tells us to face the problems straightly and solve them at the first place they appear.

I have to say that your company is my ideal company. What’s more, I have great interests in joining your sales department; it’s so like a dream job to me. I am sure that I have the potential to become a great foreign trade salesman in our company. I wish I could soon join your team.That’s all, thanks for your listening!


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